איך לקרוא לבינה מלאכותית של הפורטל (השקה בקרוב)?



in this case there is no vow within a vow. The Gemara concludes: This question is difficult, although it is not a conclusive refutation.

The Gemara raises several problems with the opinion of Rav Huna. We learned in the mishna: There is a vow within a vow, but there is no oath within an oath. What are the circumstances? If we say that the case of a vow within a vow is where one said: I am hereby a nazirite today, I am a hereby a nazirite tomorrow, that in the corresponding situation with regard to an oath within an oath, which will not take effect, is where one said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs, and he then said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat grapes, i.e., he took two separate oaths; if so, why does an additional oath not take effect where an oath was already made? It ought to take effect, as the second oath is not connected to the first one.

Rather, what are the circumstances in which a second oath does not take effect after an oath was already made? For example, where one said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs, and he again said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs. In the corresponding situation with regard to naziriteship, what are the circumstances? It must be a case where one said: I am hereby a nazirite today, I am a hereby a nazirite today; and the mishna teaches that in this case there is a vow within a vow. This poses a difficulty to the opinion of Rav Huna, who holds that in this case the second vow does not take effect.

The Gemara answers that Rav Huna could have said to you that the mishna is referring to a case where one said: I am hereby a nazirite today, I am hereby a nazirite tomorrow; that in the corresponding situation with regard to an oath where one said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs, and then said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs and grapes, the second oath does not take effect, as he had already taken an oath with regard to part of its content.

The Gemara asks: But didn’t Rabba say that if one said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs, and then said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs and grapes, and he subsequently ate figs, violating the oath, and he then set aside an offering for the violation of an oath on a statement, and he then ate grapes, in this case the grapes that he ate are only a half-measure of the second oath. The inclusion of both figs and grapes in the oath indicates that his intention was to prohibit himself from eating both. Since he already set aside an offering for eating the figs, he is now considered as having eaten only grapes and as having violated only half of the oath. And therefore he is not liable to bring an offering for violating the second oath, as one does not bring an offering for a half-measure.

The fact that he is exempt from bringing an offering merely because he ate a half-measure indicates that the second oath took effect. Apparently, where one said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs, and then said: I hereby take an oath that I will not eat figs and grapes, since the second oath can take effect with regard to grapes, as grapes were not included in the first oath, it takes effect with regard to figs as well. This poses a problem according to the opinion of Rav Huna, who would explain the mishna as teaching that the second oath in this case does not take effect at all. The Gemara answers: This is not a problem. Rav Huna does not hold in accordance with the opinion of Rabba, as Rabba was an amora and Rav Huna’s student.

The Gemara raises an objection from a baraita: In the case of one who took two vows of naziriteship, counted the thirty days of the first term of naziriteship and set aside an offering at the end of its term, and then requested from a halakhic authority for dissolution of the vow before the offering was sacrificed, thereby rendering the offering unnecessary, the second term of naziriteship is counted for him instead of the first. He is considered as having fulfilled the second term of naziriteship during the period in which he observed the first one. Therefore, the offering that he set aside counts for the second term of naziriteship.

What are the circumstances? If we say that it is a case where he said: I am hereby a nazirite today, I am hereby a nazirite tomorrow, why is the second term of naziriteship counted for him instead of the first? Isn’t there an additional day in the second term of naziriteship that he has not yet observed, as the second thirty day term commences the day after the first thirty day period had commenced? How, then, is it possible that the second obligation was fulfilled through his observance of the first one? Rather, it is obvious that it is a case where he said: I am hereby a nazirite today, I am hereby a nazirite today,

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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